Tory MP Rebecca Pow Claims Labour MPs Do Not Have 'Soil' In Their Constituencies


Tory MP Rebecca Pow has confused and delighted the Conservative Party conference with the claim that there are no Labour MPs representing constituencies that have “soil”.

Speaking shortly before Theresa May’s big set piece speech to the party faithful, the MP for Taunton Deane said she was glad “soil” was “now getting the attention it needs”.

“This is not on Labour’s agenda,” she said. “In fact, I am not sure they have any constituencies with soil in them.”

Pow added: “It’s on this government’s agenda now, following an inquiry into soil and the first ever debate in parliament on soil. Yes that’s how exciting it gets.”

One Tory activist in the hall observed of the speech: “well that was a bit off the wall”.

Journalists watching the speech were left a little baffled.