Ukip Donor Demetri Marchessini Wrote '50 Shades Meets Downton' Erotica

'Farage Shades Of Grey? '

One of Ukip's leading donors, Demetri Marchessini, wrote his own graphic "true" erotic story about three Italian brothers' sexual encounters with "the grand dames of London society".

Marchessini, who last year gave Ukip £10,000, wrote a book about – Women in Trousers: A Rear View - setting out why he believed women looked ugly in trousers using photos taken of them from behind.

Marchessini told the Huffington Post UK that he wrote his saucy work Three Gentlemen of Verona, using the pen-name Gianni Ventura, billing it as "50 Shades Meets Downton". Hard copies, needless to say, are out of print.

The book certainly starts off with a bang, with its first sentence reading: "Nick wanted to fuck the Countess of Wishfort."

The events in the book include women frequently being spanked, with 'Ventura' dwelling on how shapely or "chubby" each bottom was. The author also veers into subjects like why women "make noises during love-making", female orgasms and the importance of the fact that "men have cocks", as "men FUCK women, while women GET FUCKED."

At another point, he writes that "many attractive girls wind up unmarried" as they "go to bed too quickly" with a man. He also concludes that the "obligation to be faithful" for single men “does not exist and has never existed anywhere".

'Ventura' uses the book to dwell on all sorts of encounters with women, with chapters headed with provocative titles like "English Ladies", "Older Ladies", "Mixed Ladies", "French Ladies" and - of course - "More English Ladies" and "English Ladies revisited".

The Greek businessman uses the many chapters on English women to offer insights like that English women's "combination of promiscuity and very attractive to many foreign men."

The 79-year old shipping and investment magnate, who published the book in 2005, told HuffPost UK: "The book is not a novel, it is a TRUE account of the love lives of several brothers. Its purpose is to show men that women are not exactly like men think they are."

"I spent my life with women from 20 different countries. The passages in the book are my conclusions."

Unfortunately the reviews on are not so favourable about the book as all those written give it just one star.

One reviewer wrote: "Never thought that I would tire of reading about sex, but this book did it for me", while another concluded: "The sex scenes were yawnworthy and it left me feeling bored and offended!"

Here are the best, or perhaps worst, bits of the undeniably NSFW book that you need to read.

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Fidelity is 'somewhat vaguer' for women...

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"Women like being dominated..."

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"The desire to be dominated is inherent in women" - and English men aren't very good at it

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Women... "are jealous, can be vindictive, they lie continuously, they make trouble and they do not have the same principles and ethics that men have."

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Marchessini/Ventura concludes that women are "emotionally weaker" than men.

Ukip's Highs And Lows
COMING UP INTO THE WORLD: Ukip Are Born(01 of22)
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Ukip was founded in 1993 by LSE professor Alan Sked in opposition to the Maastricht treaty. (credit:Alamy)
GOING DOWN: 1997 General Election(02 of22)
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Ukip fielded 193 candidates but only got 0.3% of the vote, losing out to the just as Europhobic Referendum Party, led by billionaire publisher and politician, Sir James Goldsmith, (left), who got 2.6%.Sked resigned saying Ukip "they are racist and have been infected by the far-right", a reputation they have yet to shake.He was replaced with Michael Holmes (credit:PA)
GOING UP: James Goldsmith Dies(03 of22)
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The unfortunate death of the rival party leader led to the dissolution of the Referendum Party with many members subsequently joining Ukip. (credit:Alamy)
GOING UP: 1999 Elections To European Parliament(04 of22)
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Ukip got 7% of the vote and gained three MEPs.This jolly looking chap, Jeffrey Titford, was one of them. (credit:PA)
GOING DOWN: Holmes Resignation And 2001 General Election(05 of22)
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Holmes was forced to resign in 200 due to a conflict between himself and the Ukip's National Executive Committee.Titford became leader.In the following year's general election Ukip failed to gain any seats with a 1.5% of the vote.(The man pictured is not a member Ukip but a pictorial representation of the misery felt by the party during this difficult time) (credit:Alamy)
GOING STEADY: Knapman Takes Over(06 of22)
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Titford decided he didn't really like being leader and so was replaced with this fellow, Roger Knapman in 2002.Knapman attracted some attention in 2006 when he employed a team of Polish builders to renovate his home despite his anti-immigration stance. (credit:PA)
GOING WAY UP: 2004 European Elections (07 of22)
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Building on their previous European success, Ukip went on to gain a (in relative terms) massive 12 MEPs in 2004. Godfrey Bloom, seen here far-right, immediately triggered a storm of protest over women's rights within hours of starting work in the European Parliament. After being given a place on the Parliament's Women's Rights Committee he told journalists he wanted to deal with women's issues because "I just don't think they clean behind the fridge enough", adding: "I am here to represent Yorkshire women who always have dinner on the table when you get home. I am going to promote men's rights." What a charming gent... (credit:PA)
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The deliciously named, orange-faced TV agony aunt, Robert Kilroy-Silk, caused a tabloid frenzy when recruited to Ukip in 2004.He was elected an MEP that year but did nothing to hide his ambitions for leadership causing some consternation amongst the ranks.Silk left the party after nine months.His TV show, Kilroy, was cancelled after he wrote an article in the Sunday Express titelled 'We owe Arabs nothing'. (credit:PA)
GOING UP PAST THE TORIES: Hartlepool By-Election(09 of22)
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Ukip finished third in 2004 above the Conservatives who came fourth.In other news this flour incident also happened. (credit:PA)
GOING DOWN TO THE BEACH: 2005 General Election(10 of22)
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Ukip were rubbish.They didn't gain a single seat and their best result was third place in Boston & Skegness. (credit:Alamy)
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September 2006 saw the introduction of Farage as leader. (credit:PA)
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In 2009, Tory party donor extraordinaire, Stuart Wheeler, jumped ships and gave Ukip £100,000.He was, rather unsurprisingly, expelled from the Conservative party for his treachery. (credit:Alamy)
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In 2009 Farage stood down as Ukip leader so he could contest the seat of Buckingham.Lord Pearson was chosen to replace him.Here is Pearson at a joint press conference with well-known Dutch extreme right-winger and general Islam hater, Geert Wilders.#justsayin (credit:PA)
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A climate where the electorate were slightly miffed at a banking crisis at the amount some MPs were claiming on expenses was a bonus for Ukip.They gained 16.5 per cent of the vote, or to put it another way, they beat the government. (credit:PA)
GOING DOWN AGAIN: 2010 General Election(15 of22)
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Farage lost to John Bercow.Once again, Ukip failed to win a single seat.This disaster however was slightly overshadowed by... (credit:PA)
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Farage was a passenger in this plane when it crashed on the morning of the elections. He broke his sternum, ribs and punctured a lung.The cause of the crash was put down to the Ukip banner the plane was towing getting caught in aircraft's tail. (credit:PA)
GOING UP A LITTLE BIT: Farage Re-Election(17 of22)
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Farage was re-elected in August 2010.Lord Pearson said: "The UKIP crown returns to its rightful owner".How nice of him... (credit:PA)
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UKIP's Jane Collins came second in the 2012 vote with Ukip's highest ever share in a parliamentary election. (credit:PA)
GOING UP SO MUCH IT MADE FARAGE DO THIS FACE: Eastleigh By-Election(19 of22)
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Cometh the hour, cometh the grin.This was a huge coup for Ukip as they took second place in front of Labour and the Conservatives in 2013. (credit:PA)
GOING DOWN WITH RACIAL PREJUDICE: Election Candidate Scandals(20 of22)
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Farage admitted the party couldn't possibly have vetted all their candidates in the 2013 local elections.Unfortunately for Ukip it meant a number of slightly dubious characters being exposed in the press.This lady for example is alleged to have said: "Only the Zionists could sacrifice their own in the gas chambers."That, quite frankly, is simply not on. (credit:Facebook)
FLYING HIGH: Local Elections 2013(21 of22)
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He's right to look chuffed with himself.Ukip came second in the South Shields by-election and got 26 per cent of the vote in the local elections.The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats both lost seats.The biggest surge by a fourth placed party since WWII does not bode well for the coalition in 2015. (credit:PA)
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This slide has nothing to do with anything but this picture can NOT go to waste... (credit:Getty Images)