Boris Johnson 'Has Gone' And Is Not Plotting A Comeback, Says Nadine Dorries

The close ally of the former prime minister said "making a return is the last thing on his mind".
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Boris Johnson has “gone” and making a return as prime minister is the “last thing on his mind”, Nadine Dorries has said.

The former culture secretary and close ally of Johnson said his critics should stop worrying that he was plotting a comeback.

“Long after Oliver Cromwell had been dead and been buried, possessed, fearful and irrational men dug up his body and publicly executed him,” Dorries said, opening her Friday Night with Nadine programme on TalkTV.

“Let’s face it – some in Westminster, what they fear more than anything, is the return of Boris Johnson. And they will go to any lengths to ensure that they prevent that from happening, as they let their imaginations run riot and lead them down the paths of devious intent.”

Dorries said: “Well I’ve got news for them, Boris Johnson has gone.

“When I spoke to him at 4am yesterday morning US time, I got the strong impression that making a return is the last thing on his mind.”

The former prime minister has been on a speaking tour of the United States.

Johnson aborted an attempt to return as PM earlier this year, when he decided to drop out of the contest to replace Liz Truss, which saw Rishi Sunak become PM.

But there are suggestions in Westminster that Johnson has not given up hope of making another bid for No.10.

Dorries’ comments came after Johnson, who believes he is the victim of a stitch-up, ditched the government-appointed lawyers representing him in the Covid public inquiry after he was referred to police.

No.10 has said ministers were not involved in the decision to pass to the police concerns over events in Chequers and Downing Street following a review of the former prime minister’s official diary.

Johnson’s office has claimed the handling of the situation was “bizarre and unacceptable”, and the events in question were within the rules.

It was also revealed this week the Covid inquiry has threatened legal action against the government, after the Cabinet Office refused to hand over Johnson’s pandemic WhatsApp messages.

Labour leader Keir Starmer said today the public was “fed up to the back teeth” with stories about Johnson.

“The heart of this is a simple truth that, across the country, people made massive sacrifices during Covid,” he said.

“These are deeply personal things and increasing revelations about Boris Johnson, I think, just add to that sense of hurt and people are fed up with it.”