Britain First Are Are Still Using Fake Stories To Peddle Their 'Message'

Britain First Are Still Using Fake Stories To Peddle Their 'Message'
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Britain First

Britain First are still peddling propaganda videos of their Birmingham branch protesting a 'Muslim only' cinema despite the story being rubbished months ago.

Vue Cinema in the Star City entertainment complex was accused of turning away customers based on religion back in July.

Leon Jennings claimed he and his friends were denied entry because they "did not look like they celebrated Eid", a story which was picked up in the Mirror and Daily Mail.

The centre's manager however, denied the allegations stating the men had been turned away simply because it was too busy.

Local police soon confirmed they had received no complaints into the alleged incident either.

This didn't stop Britain First leader and self-appointed defender of all things British, Paul Golding, from storming down there with some heavies to confront the manager.

In the video, re-posted again on Monday on their Facebook page, the group are allowed into the building with absolutely no incident but they don't let this little fact get in the way of their mission.

Despite repeatedly denying the incident ever happened, the hapless manager is forced to listen to Golding issue a threat if it ever happens again.

After sufficiently intimidating the man the burly group then set about handing out their leaflets to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike who are all quite happily enjoying their day in the centre.

A Vue spokesperson said: “Everyone is welcome at Vue. During peak times, holidays and celebrations Star City does get very busy and we unfortunately have to turn some customers away if our screens are up to capacity.

"This has no bearing on the religious and cultural backgrounds of our customers and everyone is welcome at Vue at Star City."