Ed Miliband Tweets Being Mistaken For Nick Clegg On The Tube

Ed Miliband's Tweet Shows How Far He Has Fallen

Ed Miliband has summed up his new life on the back benches with one depressing tweet…

Bless him.

No word yet on whether Nick Clegg has suffered any similar embarrassments.

This isn't even the first time Miliband has been reminded of his fall from power.

In his first speech to the Commons since the General Election, he said: “In the time since the general election I can report to the House that I have found some small consolations of losing. Spending time with my two boys who feel that they have their dad back.

"Though I confess that my eldest, who’s just turned six, did bring me further down to earth last week. He suddenly turned to me out of the blue and said 'Dad, if there’s a fire at our house I think we'll be ok'.

"I said 'why’s that Daniel?'

"And he said, 'if we ring the fire brigade, they’ll recognise your name because you used to be famous'."

Although being mistaken for another former party leader may have brought Ed back down to earth with a bump, he had a reminder yesterday of his former glory days.

The Doncaster North MP met with the founder of the ‘Milifandom’, Abby Tomlinson.

The pair posed for pictures in front of the Houses of Parliament and took selfies in front of Big Ben.

The 17-year-old tweeted her delight at meeting her hero, calling it “genuinely one of the best moments of my life”.

She added:

So don't worry Ed, someone still remembers who you are.