England's School Bubbles System Will Be Scrapped, Says Education Secretary

Gavin Williamson tells MPs "disruption" caused by policy will end on July 19.
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The school bubble system in England will be scrapped from July 19, education secretary Gavin Williamson has confirmed.

It has led to classes – or even whole schools – being forced to stay at home if cases are detected.

Speaking in the Commons on Tuesday, Williamson said it had caused “disruption” and would end with step four of the government’s roadmap.

Face coverings will no longer be advised for pupils, students, staff and visitors either in classrooms or in communal areas, and social distancing will no longer be required.

“With the ending of these restrictions, children and young people will be able to get back on with their education and lives while we continue to manage this pandemic,” Williamson said.

NHS Test and Trace will take over responsibility for handling outbreaks of Covid in schools.

Earlier, health secretary Sajid Javid also announced that children under the age of 18 would not have to self-isolate if they came into contact with a positive case from August 16.

Williamson told MPs that staggered start times at schools and colleges will be ditched, but they can continue until the end of the summer term if wanted.

 From July 19 there will be no restriction on in-person teaching at universities, unless students are isolating or there are local outbreaks.