Liz Truss 'Has Even Crashed The Pork Market', Says Labour's Angela Rayner

“Now... that. Is. A. Disgrace.
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Ian Forsyth via Getty Images

Angela Rayner has made fun of Liz Truss for having even “crashed the pork market”, in a reference to the prime minister’s most memeable moment.

Labour’s deputy leader delivered a closing speech to the party’s conference in Liverpool on Wednesday against a background of deep financial instability as the pound plunged in the wake of the government’s mini-Budget.

Rayner said economic “chaos” triggered by the new prime minister showed the Conservatives were “no longer pretending to be competent”.

“From the party of business, to a slap down from the IMF,” she said. 

“Liz Truss has even crashed the pork market,” Rayner added: “Now... that. Is. A. Disgrace.

“You’d think that snouts in the trough was the one thing they could manage.”

Before being elected PM by the Tory grassroots earlier this month, Truss was arguably best known for her 2014 speech about cheese and pork markets.

The then environment secretary famously said: “We import two thirds of our cheese. That. Is. A. Disgrace.”

She added: “In December I’ll be in Beijing, opening up new pork markets.”

Truss is now facing demands to recall parliament to explain how her government intends to tackle the financial uncertainty. 

Neither she nor her chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, have spoken in public since the weekend.