Lynne Featherstone Statement On Tottenham Riots

Lynne Featherstone Statement On Tottenham Riots

"I want to condemn utterly the attacks on police and on property. The Home Secretary has spoken this morning to Tim Godwin, the Acting Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service, to Kit Malthouse, the chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority and to the Prime Minister, and will be speaking later today to the local MP David Lammy.

"We are being kept informed and briefed on the situation. Disregard for public safety and for property will not be tolerated and the Metropolitan Police Service has the Government's full support in restoring law and order, and I want to thank those police officers and those commanders who put themselves in harm's way and express the Government's gratitude for their exemplar demonstration of bravery and professionalism in the face of extreme provocation and violence.

"There is, obviously, now a full investigation into the riot. That process now needs to take place."