George Osborne Mocked For Eating A Burger And Tweeting It

George Osborne Mocked For Eating A Burger And Tweeting It

George Osborne tweeted a picture of himself eating a burger on Tuesday evening while putting the "final touches" to today's set piece Commons Spending Review speech - and was roundly mocked for doing so.

The chancellor's followers were less than impressed with his attempt at eating "man of the people" food along with a lot of coke pictured on the table.

Catrin Nye told him: "The I eat normal food thing is weird". Another Twitter user, Vicereine de Glitter told him: "I hope you spill food down your shirt."

Many others also remained unconvinced that a burger and chips was the chancellor's usual meal. Damo B wrote "the burger is made of Unicorn and seasoned with the tears of poor children." And gdpreston imagined Osborne to be thinking "Look - I eat plebs food as well!" as the picture was snapped.