Labour Has Twice As Much Support Among Voters As The Tories, New Poll Reveals

Rishi Sunak's attempts to narrow the gap on Keir Starmer's party have failed.
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Keir Starmer delivers a speech at Silverstone Technology Park earlier this week.
Leon Neal via Getty Images

Labour support among the public is now double that of the Conservatives, according to a new poll.

The Techne UK survey puts Keir Starmer’s party in 44%, well ahead of the Tories on 22%.

Significantly, the poll was carried out in the past week, meaning Rishi Sunak has failed to receive any boost for winning MPs’ support for the general principles of his flagship Rwanda bill.

It also shows that the PM’s multiple attempts over the past 12 months to close the gap on Labour have failed.

Worryingly for Sunak, support for Reform UK - the right-wing successor to the Brexit Party - has increased by one point to 9%.

In a further blow for the prime minister, the poll also shows that the public is unconvinced that the Tories can solve the UK’s problems.

Asked how confident they are in the government’s ability to deal with the country’s priorities, just 32% said they were, compared to 60% who said they were not.

A total of 1,637 adults were surveyed for the poll on December 13 and 14. 

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The latest Techne UK poll.
Techne UK

Meanwhile, a separate poll by the More in Common think-tank also also showed Labour has stretched its lead over the Conservatives. 

And despite Sunak’s recent focus on stopping the boats carrying asylum seekers across the Channel from France, the top issue of concern for voters remains the cost of living crisis on 68%, with immigration well behind on 25%.