PMQs Today Without The Shouting: 4 February 2015

PMQs Without The Shouting
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BBC Parliament

Ah, Wednesday. The point in every politico's week when we get to watch a group of overpaid middle-aged white men shouting at each other.

Here's what happened, without all the rubbish.

David Cameron cracked a half decent joke:

Obviously referring to Ed Balls' flop on Tuesday.

There was an argument about tax evasion:

The PM announced support for a new medal to be created for health workers:

Dave joined in on the "Chuckle Brothers" banter:

As per usual, the Speaker had to tell everyone to shut up about 70 times.

An MP tried to sack David Cameron:

Tom Blenkinsop nodded at Samantha Cameron's business after standing up to jibes of "Tory gain!":

And the most interesting bit was watching the reaction on Twitter.

Because it was largely more of the same: