With Your Help, I Will Make Greater London, Greater Still

I'm standing to be Mayor to take that huge success we've seen under Boris, and make it work for all Londoners... Between now and the close of polls I'll be campaigning with everything I have. With your help, I will make Greater London, greater still.
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Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

London has boomed under Boris. With a Conservative Mayor our city has seen 400,000 more jobs; 100,000 more affordable homes and a fifth less crime.

So I'm standing to be Mayor to take that huge success we've seen under Boris, and make it work for all Londoners.

My Action Plan for Greater London will deliver more homes, better transport, safer streets, and a cleaner, greener living environment - all paid for whilst freezing the mayor's share of council tax, and by securing the best possible deal from Government.

My Action Plan will protect transport investment, so we keep this city moving, building and growing.Taking £1.9billion out of the transport network, as my Labour rival proposes, would mean scrapping four years' worth of vital upgrades. It would be a recipe for delays and overcrowding and would grind our city to a halt.

I will double house-building to 50,000 homes a year and I'll do that by pressing the government to release publicly owned brownfield land, and by growing the transport network to unlock that land. On my watch, London won't become a city of empty skyscrapers dumped on reluctant communities. I will build a city rooted in streets and parks and beautiful neighbourhoods, with more homes available for Londoners on average salaries.

My opponent's housing plan is to ask developers to build at a loss. It will mean fewer homes get built. And because he won't protect transport investment, he won't be able to get at the land we need for development.

Third, as a lifelong environmentalist, I will protect and enhance our precious living environment. My Action Plan will protect our green belt, deliver a a solar and electric car revolution and create hundreds of new Pocket Parks across our capital.

Fourth, I will keep our city safe, not only protecting officer numbers for my entire four-year term but putting an extra 500 police on the tube, paid for by clamping down on union perks. I will also tackle the root causes of crime in our communities, with a new free school for gang members and a zero tolerance approach to hate crime and crimes against women and girls.

Finally, as Mayor I will back London's wealth creators. So I'll make the best possible use of the newly devolved skills budget. I'll support start-ups with more affordable office space. I'll appoint a new Chief Digital Officer, to turn London into a data-driven city. And, to guide my approach throughout, I'll set up a new Business Advisory Group. Altogether my Plan will create half a million more jobs for London.

The contrast with my Labour rival could not be more profound.

If you vote for Sadiq Khan you'll be voting with Livingstone, the unions and the Socialist Workers Party, who see victory on 5 May as solidifying the Corbyn project.

You'll be voting for higher council tax, unfunded spending pledges, a transport network starved of investment, and four years of running battles with the Government.

This election will go right down to the wire. Just a few thousand votes will make all the difference.

So between now and the close of polls I'll be campaigning with everything I have. With your help, I will make Greater London, greater still.

Zac Goldsmith is the Conservative Party candidate in the London Mayoral Election, and the MP for Richmond Park