Man Recreates Tom Hanks's 'Cast Away' On Cambridge Roundabout (VIDEO)

WATCH: Man Recreates 'Cast Away' On Cambridge Roundabout

We'd now like to give a big shout-out to YouTuber and film studies student Rob Thomson, who recently produced his own remake of the Tom Hanks classic Cast Away in Cambridge.

(Thomson, aka The Robson Experience, does this kind of thing rather a lot. Check out his wonderful 'Batman - The Dark Knight In Real Life', for example.)

His Cast Away spoof sees Rob don a beard and rags as he sits alongside his own version of Wilson-the-painted-volleyball on a city roundabout...

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...except, this being shot in Blighty, Rob's Wilson is actually a painted football.

Later, he tries to escape down the Cam in a dinghy, much to the amusement of passing punters...

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Nice work, Rob! In fact, we think we may well prefer this version to the original.

And if you're after some more movie spoofing - check out some of YouTube's greatest trailer parodies: