The Glow-In-The-Dark Halloween Baby Is Back - And This Year, She's Minnie Mouse

This Glow-In-The-Dark Baby Has This Year's Best Halloween Costume

Last year, Royce Hutain made a Halloween costume for his toddler that made her look like a glow-in-the-dark stick man. It was understandably something of an internet hit (check out the video below).

But as Hutain has just posted on YouTube: "After last year's costume went absolutely nuts, I had to make a new one that was much, much better."

Yes, Glowy Zoey's outfit this year resembles Minnie Mouse - and was made "using digitally addressable LED strips hooked up to an Arduino microcontroller" which Hutain programmed. "It is responsive to sound and has 2 potentiometers and a button in the back of one of the ears for control and a microphone hidden in the front," he explains. "It has 12 modes and 372 LEDs (124 chips with 3 each)."

So there you go. Oh, and in case you never saw Zoey's costume last year, here it is, in all its giggling, glow-in-the-dark, delightfulness: