Forget The Olympics, Here's The Sausage Dog Sports Day (VIDEO)

WATCH: Anyone Up For A Spot Of Sausage Dog Racing?

When a village holds a dog show, it will most likely include rounds such as 'Waggiest Tail' and 'Pointiest Ears', and welcome dogs of all sizes, shapes and breeds.

The sausage dog lovers of Hampstead in north London, however, have gone one step further - and staged their very own, Dachshund-devoted sports day.

It took place on Sunday, and the events included fancy dress, running-through-tunnels, sausage-eating (though surely this borders on cannibalism?) and, as you can see from the video above, the 100 metres.

To find out which one is the Usain Bolt of the sausage dog world, click play above. It's a delightful little video... although to be honest, we would have preferred a little less high-pitched yapping, and a little more Vangelis's Chariots Of Fire.