Best Of HuffPost On 7 June: 9 Stories You Should Catch

As storms batter Cape Town, the ANC continues to be hit by allegations of state capture. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela tells HuffPost SA she doesn't recognise the party Madiba fought for anymore.

1. "The ANC is haemorrhaging. We are in trouble," Winnie Madikizela-Mandela tells HuffPost SA. She says she warned about state capture as far back as the 1990's -- but she is still hopeful the party can regain its glory days. Read here.

2. Eight people had been killed as of 5pm in the Cape's worst storm in decades. Gale force winds, torrential rains and lightning caused massive damage across the region. Read here.

3. Why is Jacob Zuma still president when so many key organisations, politicians and civil groups have called for him to step down? That's the question being asked here.

4. South Africa slipping into recession seems to have caught Treasury by surprise, but experts say Zuma's "economy wrecking legacy" means it was on the cards for a long time. Here are 3 things that need to happen for the economy to recover. Read here.

5. The government spent nearly R1 million on a breakfast for the Gupta-owned The New Age newspaper, Communications Minister Ayanda Dlodlo said in a parliamentary response. "It has become patently clear that not only TNA, but also ANN7, are nothing more than Gupta and pro-Zuma propaganda mouthpieces, surviving on ... South Africa's taxpayers," said DA MP Phumzile van Damme. Read here.

6. Why do African leaders have such a problem knowing when it's time to step down, asks Princewill Nimi. "Most African leaders, seem to be inflicted with a strange syndrome of clinging uncompromisingly to power," he writes.

7. Pearl Thusi looked so fly with her Jamaican faux lox beanine that for a second we thought it was real. Catch her radical look here.

8. Why do people say such stupid things about about natural hair? Here are the 11 worst offending questions, and the correct response. Read here.

9. With Donald Trump acting like such a ... eish, words fail me, you can't blame us for thinking back longingly to the days of Barack Obama. Here he is enjoying a dreamy dinner with Canada's Justin Trudeau. Read here.