Bill Murray Gatecrashes Stag Party, Gives Awesome Speech (VIDEO)

WATCH: Bill Murray Gatecrashes Stag Party, Gives Awesome Speech

Just when we thought we couldn't love Bill Murray more...

Yes, the actor gatecrashed a stag night (or bachelor party, as our American cousins call them) at a restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina at the weekend. And he didn't disappoint.

Spotting Murray in the downstairs room of the steakhouse, one of the stag contingency asked a waiter if they could send the great man some drinks, but Murray declined, explained one of the party to Deadspin (where you can watch the full video). "My buddy comes back up dejected and tells us it's not going to happen. Two minutes later, Bill f***ing Murray walks into the room and gives this speech."

Bill f***ing Murray, indeed. God bless you, sir.