David Cameron On The David Letterman Show: How Previous British Guests Have Fared (VIDEO)

WATCH: Cameron On Letterman - See How Previous Brits Have Fared

So, David Cameron is going to be a guest on David Letterman's late-night talk show.

And, as well as reading our Top 10 Things To Know About Late Show With David Letterman, we might also like to direct the Prime Minister's aides to our video slideshow below.

Because we've rounded up Letterman's memorable interviews with 10 British guests - some of whom are, arguably, rather more high-profile than David Cameron - and they make for extremely entertaining viewing.

SIGH! as Jamie Oliver is dreadfully earnest! CRINGE! as Keira Knightley is terribly posh! LAUGH! at the band leader's joke at Ringo Starr's expense. And then do all three of those at once when you watch the interview with Boris Johnson.

Yes, from Boris to Brand, Watson to Winslet, here's how British guests have fared in the guest seat so far...