Chris P. Bacon, Disabled Piglet, Uses Tiny Wheelchair (VIDEO)

WATCH: Disabled Piglet Uses Tiny Wheelchair (VIDEO)

Chris P. Bacon is not just a British boxer nor a composer of film scores.

No, Chris P. Bacon is also the name of this adorable baby pig, who was born without the use of his back legs.

According to The Hamilton Spectator, a young woman in Florida took Chris to a vet because she couldn't care for him. But instead of putting the disabled piglet down, the vet, Len Lucero, decided to adopt him.

Lucero then made Chris a makeshift wheelchair out of his son's toy K'Nex set (older readers: this is a bit like Meccano) - and has since been donated a new chair through the website (see video below).

"I just made a real quick wheelchair," Lucero told ABC News. "We put him on it the next day and I was just trying to see if it would work. He didn’t like it at all at first. But he started to calm down, so I started filming. He’s so cute you can hardly take bad footage of him.”

Well, indeed. And if, like us, you've become an immediate fan, there's good news: you can keep up with Chris's progress on his Facebook page and via his Twitter feed (no, really): @ChrisPBaconPig.