UK Records 482 More Coronavirus Hospital Deaths In 24 Hours

The latest figures were published on Thursday.

The number of people who have died in UK hospitals after contracting coronavirus has risen by 482 in 24 hours.

The increase consists of 391 in England, 60 in Scotland, 22 in Wales and nine in Northern Ireland.

Official UK-wide figures from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) have not yet been released, so the total is taken from each nation’s individual reporting.

It brings the working total to 26,579.

But the government tally, when it is released later today, will be significantly higher as it now includes deaths in care homes and the community. Here’s a quick primer on what all the different numbers mean and how to understand them

Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story stated there had been 385 deaths reported in England, and 472 in total across England, Wales and Scotland. This has now been amended.