Cute Kids Give Us Their Thoughts On Punk Rock - Cutely (VIDEO)

WATCH: Cute Kids Review Punk Music

Ever wondered what cute kids think about punk music? Wonder no more! Our friends over at Noisey have canvassed a wide selection of suitably kooky children for their opinions on Black Flag's TV Party.

A sample considered view? "I don't want to listen to this. I'd rather listen to Justin Bieber." You and us both, kid!

The three-minute clip also includes some energetic moshing and a brief moment of confusion when one child muddles up capitalism and caterpillars. (Hey, don't laugh - we've all done it!)

If you like this kind of thing, chances are you'll like more of the team's recent offerings, which include the kids' thoughts on The Cribs' Chi-Town (below), Azealia Banks's 212 (below below) and Radiohead's Paranoid Android (even more below than that)...