Choral Choir's Plane-Bound Rendition Of 'Give Me Jesus' Will Warm Your Cockles (Video)

WATCH: Choral Choir Sings On Plane

When you're stuck in a plane, waiting for it to take off, there's precious little to keep you amused. iPods, phones and so on are banned, the in-flight entertainment can't be used just yet... what are you meant to do, read something?

Well, exactly. That's never going to happen.

Praise be to Indiana Wesleyan University Chorale then, for delighting a plane full of startled travellers as a maintenence check was being performed on their aircraft early last year.

Led by student conductor Brian Dykstra, they sing Fernando Ortega's arrangement of 'Give Me Jesus' while jaws drop around them.

What makes it especially amazing is when certain portions of the plane suddenly join in, when you thought they were just staring on in awe too.

Of course, YouTube commenters beneath the original video - uploaded by YouTuber AutoPilot11, by the way - have started a "Does God exist?" tit-for-tat battle, but by us, it's just a pretty awesome clip. Simple as that, really.