Ewe've Goat To Be Kidding! Animal That's Half-Sheep, Half-Goat Is Born In Ireland (VIDEO)

Is It A Goat? Is It A Sheep? No, It's A Geep!

First things first: this is not an April Fool. Nor a previously unseen clip from 'Father Ted'.

It's a true story from Ireland: the birth of a 'geep' - an animal that's half-goat, half-sheep - on a farm in County Kildare.

According to The Irish Times, farmer Pat Murphy "noticed the errant goat among his flock on the mountainside five months ago but didn’t think it was possible for goats and sheep to successfully mate."

How wrong he was. Check out the (frankly adorable) week-old 'geep' - or should that be 'shoat'? - in the video report above, courtesy of the Irish Farmers' Journal.

Sadly for us fans of the geep, Murphy doesn't intend to breed any more. "Oh jeez, no!" he tells the Journal. "This is a pure shock to the system, this is. A one-off."

A one-off, indeed.