Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing', As Sung By The Movies (VIDEO)

WATCH: Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing', As Sung By The Movies

Back in early January, Dutch Vimeo user 'ant1mat3rie' recreated Lionel Richie's Hellousing clips from a number of different movies (see below) - boasting everything from Total Recall to The Big Lebowski, in fact - and started a bit of a trend.

Now, other audio and video super surgeons are cutting and slicing their way through Hollywood's back catalogue to remake other '80s classics - including Journey's Don't Stop Believing, as edited together by YouTuber dondrapersayswhat.

And if you recognise that particular online moniker, then hats off, you're a keener reader of Huffington Post UK Comedy than we ever dreamed of. The reason why you might recognise him? Well, that's because he's the man behind the 'I love the smell of napalm in the morning' Apocalypse Now pastiche supercut we showed you a month or so ago.

Sure, he may have a hell of a lot of time on his hands, but we appreciate the effort, dude. You are an inspiration to us all...