Kermit And Miss Piggy Respond To Fox News' 'Communism' Allegations (VIDEO)

WATCH: Kermit And Miss Piggy Get Last Laugh In Fox News Communism Fight

Back in December last year, the Fox Business Network over in the US accused The Muppets of being communist. Needless to say, this bizarre allegation was picked up everywhere, with the Murdoch-owned right-wing media conglomerate looking a right fool.

After all, who accuses a group of much-loved stuffed puppets - sorry, Muppets - of harbouring an "anti-corporate message" and "left-wing sympathies"? Well, Fox do. Of course.

"It's amazing how far the left will go just to manipulate your kids, to convince them, give the anti-corporate message," said Follow The Money host Eric Bolling, after learning that the antagonist in their latest film, The Muppets, was a money-hungry oil baron called Tex Richman.

But despite all the furore, it's taken a couple of months for the Muppets to give their own thoughts on the matter - with a press conference in London proving the perfect place for Miss Piggy and Kermit to show Fox who's boss.

We won't spoil their quips, but trust us when we say that they're brilliant. Not brilliant in a look-at-them-they're-adorable way... brilliant in a genuinely brilliant way.

Take a look at the video above to see what we mean, then check out the original moment on Fox below to see how it all started.