Mad Men Do Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Mad Men Do Rick Astley

You know what? Some people seem to have an awful lot of time on their hands nowadays. And thank God they do - because otherwise, we wouldn't get to experience this amazing visual/aural treat.

In a nutshell? YouTuber Richard Sandling has put together clips of the cast of Mad Men speaking the words of Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up over the top of the classic thumping 1987 pop tune.

And our immediate reaction? We have a sudden urge to conga round the office, sandwiched between Jon Hamm and Christina Hendricks. Unfortunately, neither of them appear to be here. They must have popped out for a coffee. Typical!

Incidentally, talking of Mad Men's Don Draper, his sort-of-namesake, YouTube's dondrapersayswhat is another man with a lot of time on his hands - as demonstrated by this recent offering...