My Partly Political Broadcast

Partly Political Broadcast is a new, hopefully weekly project between me and excellent filmmaker Ben Hilton. It's a short of burst of comedy, with pointed views about the week's goings ons, which we decided we should do because, well, no one else was.

I haven't written any political type blogs on the Huff Post for a little while. The reason for this is because my tiny brain can only spurt out so much parliamentary based commentary and lately I've been using it for this. Partly Political Broadcast is a new, hopefully weekly project between me and excellent filmmaker Ben Hilton. It's a short of burst of comedy, with pointed views about the week's goings ons, which we decided we should do because, well, no one else was. And there's tonnes to make fun off thanks to a government that has seemingly no end to its tirade of cock ups. So here's episode one from last week featuring bedroomtTax, nurses pay and Michael Gove himself. Then there's this week's episode two about cost of living, DIY PMQs, work schemes and a lot of HORSE. Hope you enjoy and if you do, please share, subscribe, comment on, like, print out into a series of pictures and have them surgically attached to your face.