Homemade Doritos Advert Teaches You To Make Your Own, Is Utterly Hilarious (Video)

WATCH: Hilarious Homemade Dorito's Advert

Thanks to their "Crash The Super Bowl" competition, Doritos have been asking the general public to make adverts for them for a few years now, with the winner getting their half a minute masterpiece showing during America's biggest TV event of the year: the motherflippin' super bowl.

Considering 10 seconds of superbowl advertising is worth approximately a squillion dollars, it's a bit of a big leap for the guys at Frito-Lay snack foods to go for some homemade piece of YouTubery, but it seems to work out somehow.

Unfortunately, it looks like they picked the wrong advert this year, with YouTuber "DavidWardFilm" reportedly getting snubbed - even though the ad he made for them is nothing short of brilliant.

Check it out for yourself below, but before you do, make sure you're sitting comfortably and you have enough room for your sides to split.

We're over-egging this, aren't we? Damn. Sorry about that. Still, watch the clip and let us know what you think in the comment box below.