Is This The Most Bonkers Political Ad Ever? (VIDEO)

WATCH: Is This The Most Bonkers Political Ad Ever?

Richard Tisei, we take our hats off to you. And if we were American, we might vote for you. Oh, no. Wait. You're a Republican. Hmm. In that case: we'll vote for you in the election for The Best Political Campaign Ad Of The 2012 US Election.

Mr Tisei is running for US Congress (Massachusetts's 6th congressional district, since you ask) and inspired, perhaps, by this little girl, he seems to have realised that people are fed up of the election and bored of the usual political ads.

So as a result, he's released the advert above.

It's slightly genius, and ever so slightly mad. But, as you can see from the slideshow below, American political adverts - especially Republican ones - do have form when it comes to this sort of thing: