Time Savers for the Fringe - Could You Make a Comic

A comic I know was penciled for an advert and lost out to another man. That other man was his agent - just 'having a go'. You feel more comfortable when your agent is on the business side, you know, taking care of business - preferably your business.

A comic I know was penciled for an advert and lost out to another man. That other man was his agent - just 'having a go'. You feel more comfortable when your agent is on the business side, you know, taking care of business - preferably your business.

But that's the thing, suddenly the whole world wants to become a comic / performer - that's why there's dwindling audiences because the audience are becoming the 'subject' and there's no one left to watch anyone showing off. This is going to end up with parents doing performances for their children and getting sulky if they don't watch their humorous interpretation of 'The Calling' all the way through. You might think I'm exaggerating but my friend's mum has just taken up an improv course with her Mum, Sharon from the office and gay Michael. Conclusive proof if ever it was needed.

So here I paint a picture of what it's going to be like in 2025 when 1 in 3 people are performers:

1.) You have to pay to play, but the rate is depending on how good you are, so generally newer comics are funding the ones who've been at it longer. This in some way softens the older dog's bitterness.

2.) In order to get a captive audience, people go to do sets in old people's homes, hospices and school canteens with more regularity. Sometimes, these are gorilla performances and they have to be chased away by Dinner Ladies shouting that the kids "did better clowning themselves - in year 2."

Still, it's all material isn't it? And by that stage in the game that will make for observational material as the audience (of mainly comics), will have all had similar experiences.

3.) There will be no doctors or scientists - but we will have some pretty good jokes about it.

And that's the thing, we will all be professionally funny so the world will at least be rid of cliches and the 'banter' will be up 200%, but obviously we won't use words like 'banter' even in an ironic way. Everything will be 'banter' or as it's now known 'muckatally'.

More good news is that the TV shows are generally better quality - with the exception of programmes like 'The Toddler Prank Show', which are ill conceived but smashingly executed.

So, lots to look forward to and the main thing to note is I am in no way threatened!