400 For 40: A Give Back Project To Inspire

400 for 40: A Give Back Project To Inspire

Recently I celebrated a milestone birthday. Perhaps THE milestone birthday actually. The one in which you realize act one of life is complete and you have now been ushered into the second act. It makes one think to say the least.

When being asked what I wanted for my birthday, the answer was the same as it has been for some time now which is to travel and spend quality time with loved ones. I have lived a full life complete with some of the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. I have learned what matters. Though certainly there are things I would like to own, I have been given much and I find myself at need for nothing, at least material that is.

A number of colleagues and friends have begun to ask for donations to charity for their birthday. It is a wonderful idea and I thought about doing the same. However, I am feeling a bit more selfish. I would like to be inspired in new ways so I am taking this idea and adding a bit of a twist. It is in good timing as well since Giving Tuesday is approaching this month which is a movement in response to Black Friday and Cyber Monday that focuses on giving to charities instead of consuming more for ourselves.

As a gift for my 40th birthday this month and in the spirit of Giving Tuesday, I am going to give £400 or $400 to someone that has an idea to help make the world a better place. Every morning when we turn on the news, we hear of the darkness in the world. Instead, I want us to focus on the light because there is a lot of that out there as well. There are so many much braver, kinder, and more generous than I could ever dream to be and they challenge us all to be better. From a couple that has taken on adopting children in need simply because they were asked, to the stranger who takes the time to stop and talk to the homeless person sleeping rough on the street. There are angels out there. Maybe you could be one of them?

I would like to use this money to inspire you to give back and in doing so, hopefully inspire a bit of a movement of kindness. Please let us know your idea. It could be anything from having a meal with a lonely elderly person every month to helping to fund a start up that gives back or donating to a fantastic charity such as Tirzah International. Please message me your ideas or email me at purposefulwanderings@gmail.com. A winner will be chosen at the end of the month.

Spread smiles and kindness. Give Back.