'The Hunger Games' Gets The Bad Lip Reading Treatment (VIDEO)

WATCH: A Bad Lip Reading Of 'The Hunger Games'

Yay! Today just got even better. (To be fair, it wasn't looking that amazing. Just shaping up to be run-of-the-mill. But it's certainly been given a boost.) The reason? The Bad Lip Reading gang have unveiled their latest effort - and this time, they've turned their attentions to The Hunger Games.

So is it as funny as everything they've done before? We think so. Just 18 seconds in, Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss is waxing lyrical about her "fudge puddles". And if there's a phrase guaranteed to bring out our inner five-year-old, it's "fudge puddles". Snigger.

Now, if this has whetted your appetite to revisit past Bad Lip Reading classics, you're in luck. Look! We've gathered them all up into one handy slideshow...