David Rathband Death: Calls To Better Protect Emergency Services

Calls For 'Rathband's Law'

Calls were made to better protect 999 workers injured in the line of duty at a service to honour the life Pc David Rathband who was shot and blinded by a gunman.

The government should introduce Rathband's Law to ensure emergency services personnel who are hurt while helping others do not struggle for financial security.

The calls were made in a speech by Pc Rathband's friend Tony Horne, a former DJ and ghost-writer of his autobiography Tango 190.

Despite being left blind, he set up Pc David Rathband's Blue Lamp Foundation to help other police officers, paramedics or firefighters injured by a criminal act while at work.

In a moving, heartfelt speech, Horne said: "For me, it would be a beautiful irony and job done if legislation was passed so that there was no need for a Blue Lamp Foundation.

"Rathband's Law, ensuring that all injured servicemen in the line of duty should not want or wait for financial security and emotional support from now until the end of time."

Horne said he made a friend for life when they collaborated on the book, adding: "I'm just so sorry that his life was cut so terribly short."

Pc Rathband was found hanged at home on February 29, having struggled with the pain of his injuries, the difficulties of being blind and a split from his wife.

Having listened to Pc Rathband relive the horror of being shot for the book, Mr Horne said: "I knew then that he had seen too much, and I feared this moment would come."

He added: "It's to his credit that he fought so long.

"Of that night in July 2010, my friend looked danger in the eye and was not found wanting when asked to make the ultimate sacrifice, displaying bravery in a split second that collectively most of us will struggle to match in a lifetime.

"Congratulations, David, on every day that you lived after. You really were playing on well into added time."

Horne directly called on politicians to make supporting injured personnel law, saying: "If you are a public figure who has stood by David sincerely in support, or as a cynical photo opp, your time is now and your duty is to make sure that there are no empty promises and hollow words - make the ethos of the Blue Lamp Foundation a political reality."

Horne called on Northumbria Police to accept it made mistakes on the night his friend was shot.

"Unprecedented and testing circumstances I accept, but I urge you now, to tell the whole story of the mistakes that night and finally come forward and say publicly 'Sorry David, we should have avoided what happened to you'.

"You owe that to your fallen officer."

He went on to call on the media to stop naming the gunman who devastated Pc Rathband and his family's lives.

"My friend is called David Rathband - everybody knows his name, and how he became a hero," he said.

"Let his name, not his attacker be remembered for generations to come.

"We must move from the shadow of that evil and remember him always for his good in society rather than the wickedness bestowed upon him."

Horne also spoke warmly about the officer's widow, Kath, saying: "I want to say on the record what a tremendous woman you are."

He finished: "As a society, David, we owe you a debt of thanks. So many people in life pass through our worlds - here today, gone tomorrow.

"David may be gone today, but he is very much here in all my tomorrows.

"Rest in peace my friend. I love you, and you're safe now."