Egypt Election Results: Twitter Goes Nuts Over Farouk Sultan

Twitter Jokes About Sultan's Long Delivery Of Results

Millions from around the world tuned in as Farouk Sultan, head of the election commission prepared to read out the results of Egypt's presidential run-off.

Tension built amongst anxious Egyptians to find out who would become the nation's first democratically elected president. There had been delays, projections and some supporters had spent the night camping in Tahir square.

However as Sultan settled down with a tome of papers, it was clear that he was going to demonstrate how democratically thorough the election commission had been.

The address, which lasted over an hour, prompted frustration from Egyptians anxious to hear the results. Many of them took to Twitter to vent their frustation over his seeming long-winded announcement.

Take a look at many of the amusing tweets, which not only show that "Egyptians haven't lost their sense of humour" according to one BBC correspondant, but also the importance of the landmark election.