Ian Watkins Mugshot 'Tattoo' Picture Posted Online (PICTURE)

Did Someone Get A Tattoo Of Ian Watkins' Mugshot?

Someone has apparently posted a photo of what appears to be a tattoo of the mugshot of disgraced Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins.

The apparent tattoo of Watkins shows the convicted pedophile's mugshot along with the phrase 'Mega Lolz' written below.

The phrase was reportedly used in a phone call Watkins made from prison just the day after pleading guilty.

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The apparent tattoo

Christopher Clee QC, prosecuting, told the judge Watkins made two phone calls from Parc Prison, Bridgend, after pleading guilty last month.

In a transcript of one conversation with a female friend named as Samantha, he said he was going to release a statement when he was sentenced, saying: "It was mega lolz, I don't know what everyone is getting so freaked out about."

He is also reported to have said: "Nobody was harmed. I'm not a paedophile," and expressed exasperation at the way people had reacted to his guilty pleas.

Watkins explains in the conversation that he was faced with a choice before pleading guilty: "It was like either I go up there and say 'come on it was not that bad, nobody got hurt'."

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Ian Watkins pleaded guilty to two charges of attempting to rape a baby

He said it was either that or "try to win them over with my charm" and end up saying, "I was off my head and do not remember anything".

Clee said in a second conversation with the same woman on the following day he claimed a lot of what he had said in online conversations was "bullshit chat that I did to shock when I was off my head".

The phrase "mega lolz" was used by the Lostprophets on some of their t-shirts. The group also performed in front of a back-drop saying MEGA LOLZ! on the main stage of the Reading Festival in 2010.

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The Lostprophets perform against a back-drop saying MEGA LOLZ! on the stage at Reading Festival

The tattoo was originally posted in the ‘CringePics’ section of the social media site Reddit, but appears to have been taken down after reader outrage in the comments section.