Keyboard Player Becomes Viral Hit After Entertaining Tube Passengers (VIDEO)

WATCH: Tube Keyboard Player Becomes Viral Hit

It's now officially Late-Night Nuisances On Public Transport Month in cities around the UK - as people travel home from pre-Christmas drink-ups in slightly "merrier" moods than usual. But that's not always a bad thing...

An example? London Underground travellers were royally entertained by this keyboard player/human beatbox, who went a bit 'Jean Michel Jarre' and treated them all to an impromptu concert over the weekend.

The whole episode was recorded by fellow traveller Tunde Osundina - who swiftly posted the footage on YouTube under the heading "My Very Interesting Ride Home". And, according to the Daily Mail, the keyboard player himself - Modern Day Jester - is pretty chuffed to have finally found fame.

Hmmm... this is all well and good, but music brilliance doesn't always get the recognition it deserves on public transport. Indeed, when we started playing 'Kum Ba Yah' on the recorder on the night bus last Friday, the driver pulled over on the Old Kent Road and refused to go any further until we'd stopped.

Want some more awesome keyboard-playing? Treat yourself to a good old-fashioned festive sing-along with the Brett Domino Trio...