Malema: ANC's Conference Will Be The 'Unveiling Of Its Tombstone'

"The [ANC] conference will not be a watershed moment because this is the continuation of the rot that began in Polokwane," said EFF leader Julius Malema.
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Julius Malema, leader of the opposition Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party on August 8, 2017.
Sumaya Hisham / Reuters

When the ANC goes to its elective conference in December, it will be the unveiling of its tombstone because the party died a long time ago, EFF leader Julius Malema said on Thursday.

"That thing is not a funeral of the ANC, it is the unveiling of the ANC['s tombstone] because it died a long time ago," said Malema.

Malema was speaking at the Sandton Convention Centre at the Daily Maverick's The Gathering, where the upcoming ANC elective conference was discussed.

"The conference will not be a watershed moment because this is the continuation of the rot that began in Polokwane. I don't know what the excitement is about... The watershed moment for the country is 2019, when the country has an opportunity to choose different leadership."

In 2016, people were confronted with choosing between the two devils - the DA and the ANC, he said. That year the DA won some municipalities because people decided to stay away.

"Why is the voter so loyal to the ANC? What is it that the voter sees in ANC that we do not see?" he questioned.

He urged South Africans to continue to respect the power of the voters.

Malema also said the party made a mistake by not listening to the electorate on who it wanted to lead when it went into a coalition government.

"We think that in 2019, if there is no outright winner, the voters should vote until they decide who their government should be and should not leave it to the few elite to decide for them."

With the ANC on its way out, Malema said it did not matter what happen come December.

"The many political developments in 2017 show that our country is on the verge of turning into a failed state."

He referred to the higher education fees saga, saying that the government was failing dismally at introducing fee-free education.

The Fees Commission's recommendation for an income-contingency loan funding model was a bad idea, he said, adding that those taking care of the poor should be exempt from paying back loans.

"Why don't we create our own banks and give the students interest-free loans?"

Malema also said he did not understand why Eskom continued to honour apartheid contracts.

"We are complaining about the Guptas. The Guptas are just an irritation," he added.

He believed the country should remain focused on fighting for economic freedom.

Malema also touched on the recent military takeover in Zimbabwe, saying that Robert Mugabe had stayed on as president for too long.

"I love Bob, but if I love you, it does not mean that I cannot criticise you. Our love for uncle Bob, did not diminish... All we said to uncle Bob was that a good dancer knows when to leave the dance floor. It does not matter if they can dance."

He said there was no need for a similar situation in South Africa because an election was held every five years.