Matching the Dress...

Trying to organise a night out on New Year's Eve is a serious pain in the backside. And I'm not even talking about the prices of a ticket to step into a Weatherspoon or everywhere being so busy it would be wiser to do a comedy gig - knowing I am guaranteed to have an audience.

Trying to organise a night out on New Year's Eve is a serious pain in the backside. And I'm not even talking about the prices of a ticket to step into a Weatherspoon or everywhere being so busy it would be wiser to do a comedy gig - knowing I am guaranteed to have an audience.

But what I am talking about here is planning New Year's Eve when there is more than one of you. How about eight of you. Suggesting a venue is like a debate on BBC's live election. Too expensive, too far, too busy, too loud, too chilled, too posh, too rough, too pretentious, too small, too big, too cheesy. Everyone has an excuse NOT to go to THAT suggested place. No one agrees to the same thing because everyone has a slightly difference idea of what a fun night out is. For me, downing pints in the local boozer isn't one of them, but being squashed and queuing for a drink for three hours in a huge club isn't a good idea either. Happy medium anybody?

My New Year's Eve isn't even planned yet, let alone booked. Several ideas, (including a boat party where tickets were £100!!! ) have been sent around via Face book and WhatsApp but no one can agree on the same place. As ticket prices rise every day, I'm starting to think I might just scrap this agro and book myself in a long bath alone with a glass of Champagne ( or Lambrini depending on my bank balance ) and an issue of Heat magazine. At least Justin Bieber (as much as I can't bear him) can keep quiet and just keep me company on the night of

Last night I got a hint of excitement when one of the parties's suggested an interesting idea for a mere £10. Great I said to my boyfriend, lets book us a ticket! No. JUST in case someone says no. My eye is twitching at the thought of having to "wait" for the judge (whoever it might be) to come up with the verdict and tell us all no for whatever new reason it might be.

What I dread it when we do finally all decide on a venue, who is going to take that leap of faith and book the first ticket. I WILL!! I will gladly book that first ticket and tell the other seven my ticket is booked to get the ball rolling and get New Year's Eve sorted. Bloody hell. It's just a night out after all.

The only thing I can say that's organised finalised and ready is the outfit. An early Christmas present of a rather fabulous sequined dress waits for me, hanging in my wardrobe and ready to wear... Let's just hope the venue matches it.

Two days later ....

I've just been informed that one of the seven members has come up with a new venue. A U.V party with face painters, entertainment and some House D.Js till 3am! Sound perfect! WAIT... My sequined dress doesn't match the event. We can't go to a UV party because I would have to change my entire outfit! Sod it. Ill wear white and save that dress for Valentine's Day! Tickets please!