Miss Holland Fails To Find A Brit Who Can Sing The National Anthem

This Hilarious Video Shows A Shocking Number Of Londoners Don't Know The National Anthem

Plucky wannabe-Brit Miss Holland sets out across the streets of London on a mission to “become English” and find someone, anyone, who can teach her the words to the national anthem.

Shockingly not a single person she asks is able to recount the lyrics to the historical song; some blame the fact that they “aren’t patriotic” whilst others suggest they just sing “a Bieber song” instead. The closest was an elderly gentleman, who was able to start with “god save the queen” - which is technically the end - but not much more.

Putting the Brits to shame, Miss Holland happens to stumble across a group of students from the Netherlands outside a pub that is able to belt out every single word of their Dutch national anthem, sat next to even more Brits who admit they too “don’t know the words”.