Moonwalking French Bulldog 'Mr. Quiggly' Stars In Skechers Advert (VIDEO)

WATCH: Moonwalking French Bulldog Sells Shoes With Style

As Volkswagen and LucasFilm will tell you, an easy way to get everyone to love your brand is to add one magic ingredient: cute dogs.

Skechers have proved this point emphatically with their latest ad, called 'GO RUN Mr. Quiggly!', which boasts an incredibly cute French bulldog called - you guessed it - 'Mr. Quiggly'.

Wearing four red Skechers trainers, he's shown running in a greyhound race. At first, he's slow as anything, with his canine competitors leaving him in their wake.

Seconds later, the Quigglinator is blasting ahead of them, presumably powered by the design of California's most popular running shoe.

But just to prove what a boss he is, Mr. Quiggly crosses the line by turning around and moonwalking over it. As you do.

And suddenly, your new favourite advert is born. Makes it all the more embarrassing for Kim Kardashian, Skechers' previous shoe-selling star, who was unceremoniously dropped form their ads just a few months ago. Ah well, at least she has her money. And her TV show. And her perfume line. And her clothes. And her... well, you get the idea.