Ahmed Akkari, Muslim Who Led Mohammad Cartoons Protests, 'Is No Longer Religious'

Muslim Who Led Mohammad Cartoons Protests 'Recants Faith'
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Danish Muslim Ahmad Akkari

A Danish Muslim leader who helped instigate violent protests that ultimately cost the lives of 200 peoplehas said he is no longer a "practicing religious man."

Once the spokesman for the imans who travelled to Lebanon, Egypt and Syria to whip up anger against the 2005 Muhammad cartoons and the Danish government, Ahmad Akkari turned a small cartoon strip into a diplomatic incident and a violent uprising.

The uproar resulted in riots, embassy burnings, an international boycott of Danish products, and more than a hundred deaths.

Now, Akkari says he has changed his mind - not just about the Muhammad cartoons, but about Islam itself, admitting in a sensational interview with The Daily Beast that he regrets the violence and has suffered religious doubts.

"I'm not a practicing religious man as I was at that time," he told the website.

"I believe there must be a greater force or power--let's say God--but I really can't find him through all these religions."

After he admitted he is no longer attending a mosque, Akkari insisted his "problem isn't with 'God' but with "the representatives of God on earth."

Instead, Akkari has embraced philosophy, escaping to Greenland to spend time in public libraries reading the Danish existentialist philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaard.

"In this epic and barren environment," he went through an "existential crisis... of almost biblical proportions," Radio host Mads Holger and cultural critic Kasper Støvring said following an interview earlier this year with the former radical.

In a separate interview he admitted he looked back on his actions with regret.

"There was so much I didn't know. I read about the freedom fighters who throughout history have tried to prevent religion from curtailing free thought and I realised that Denmark was in fact the oasis my parents had imagined," he told Dispatch International.

Akkari claims that while in Greenland he "prayed to God never to send any Muslims" there because he "was so tired of corrupt imams spreading their totalitarian ideology that I was convinced they would not only melt the ice cap if they came there, but set it on fire."

On the podium of The Free Press Society in August this year he argued that as soon as a person becomes a devoted Muslim "you are infected by extremism."

Just the month before he admitted that following the Danish violence it was only later that he realised "how naive" he had been.

"The thoughts I had been inculcated, was too black / white. There were no shades, and my world was not mature," he told the Danish tabloid newspaper BT.

Danish Cartoon Protests
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Istanbul, TURKEY: An Islamist protestor burns a cardboard representing a Danish flag 12 February 2006 in front of the Beyazit mosque in Istanbul to protest against the publication of cartoons of Prophet Mohammed in the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten in September 2005. AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER (Photo credit should read MUSTAFA OZER/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Cairo, EGYPT: Danish ambassador to Egypt Bjarne H. Sorensen talks to the press 15 February 2006 in Cairo during a meeting with the media to explain Copenhagens's positions over the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed. Cartoons including a portrayal of the prophet wearing a time-bomb shaped turban were published in a Danish newspaper last September and reprinted in a Norwegian magazine in January, sparking uproar in the Muslim world where images of the prophet are considered blasphemous. AFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
(FILES) This file picture taken on Febr(03 of10)
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(FILES) This file picture taken on February 23, 2006 in Karachi shows Pakistani Muslims torching a Danish flag during protests denouncing the publication of cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammed in several European newspapers. Danish police said on February 12, 2008 that they arrested several people suspected of planning to attack one of the cartoonists who drew controversial caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed for Denmark's biggest daily in 2005. AFP PHOTO/FILES/ Rizwan TABASSUM (Photo credit should read RIZWAN TABASSUM/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Pakistani demonstrators chant slogans as they burn a Danish flag during a demonstration denouncing the publishing of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammed in Karachi on February 15, 2008. The Danish foreign ministry advised its nationals to avoid unnecessary travel to Pakistan following anger in the Asian country over the reprinting of a Danish cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed. AFP PHOTO/ Asif HASSAN (Photo credit should read ASIF HASSAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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RAFAH, GAZA STRIP - FEBRUARY 22: Members of the Young Palestinian Parliament demonatrate against the reprinting of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers, on February 22, 2008, in Rafah southern Gaza Strip. The cartoon, reprinted in Danish newspapers last week, was a gesture towards freedom of speech after three men were arrested for plotting to kill the cartoonist. The cartoons were first published in 2006 showing the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban. (Photo by Abid Katib/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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RAFAH, GAZA STRIP - FEBRUARY 22: Members of the Young Palestinian Parliament demonatrate against the reprinting of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers, on February 22, 2008, in Rafah southern Gaza Strip. The cartoon, reprinted in Danish newspapers last week, was a gesture towards freedom of speech after three men were arrested for plotting to kill the cartoonist. The cartoons were first published in 2006 showing the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban. (Photo by Abid Katib/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Palestinian Children Demonstrate Against Republished Muhammad Cartoons(07 of10)
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RAFAH, GAZA STRIP - FEBRUARY 22: Members of the Young Palestinian Parliament demonatrate against the reprinting of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers, on February 22, 2008, in Rafah southern Gaza Strip. The cartoon, reprinted in Danish newspapers last week, was a gesture towards freedom of speech after three men were arrested for plotting to kill the cartoonist. The cartoons were first published in 2006 showing the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban. (Photo by Abid Katib/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Palestinian Children Demonstrate Against Republished Muhammad Cartoons(08 of10)
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RAFAH, GAZA STRIP - FEBRUARY 22: Members of the Young Palestinian Parliament demonatrate against the reprinting of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers, on February 22, 2008, in Rafah southern Gaza Strip. The cartoon, reprinted in Danish newspapers last week, was a gesture towards freedom of speech after three men were arrested for plotting to kill the cartoonist. The cartoons were first published in 2006 showing the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban. (Photo by Abid Katib/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Pakistani Islamist students from Jamiat-e-Talba Islam, hold burning Danish, US and Britain flags during a protest rally in Lahore on April 15, 2008, against a controversial film critical of Islam by a Dutch right-wing politician and the reproduction of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers. At least 17 Danish dailies reprinted one of the cartoons in February, vowing to defend freedom of expression a day after police in Denmark foiled a plot to murder the cartoonist. AFP PHOTO/Arif ALI (Photo credit should read Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pakistani Islamic students from Jamiat T(10 of10)
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Pakistani Islamic students from Jamiat Talaba Islam, torch an effigy of Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen during a protest in Karachi on April 17, 2008, against a controversial film critical of Islam by a Dutch right-wing politician and the reproduction of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers. Hundreds of Islamic seminary students rallied in the Pakistani port city of Karachi to protest against Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed and a Dutch film said to insult Islam. AFP PHOTO/Asif HASSAN (Photo credit should read ASIF HASSAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)