National Lottery Searching For Three EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle Draw Winners

The Search For The Missing Millionaires

The National Lottery is searching for three missing millionaires who have yet to claim their prizes from the EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle draw before Christmas.

Some 22 ticket-holders have come forward to claim their £1 million prize from the 23 December draw, but three are still to do so.

And a ticket-holder who shared a Lotto rollover jackpot of £7.6m on Christmas Eve is also yet to come forward and claim the prize.

A National Lottery spokesman said: "The lucky winners who have already claimed their prize have been able to toast in the New Year with a boost to their bank balance, but four others are still completely unaware.

"Players need to check their tickets to see if they too are a millionaire."

Anyone who believes they have a winning ticket is advised to call the National Lottery Line on 0845 910 0000.