Pete Doherty Buys Drug Paraphernalia

Pete's Shopping Spree

Controversial rocker Pete Doherty has treated himself to a New Year's investment - some classic drug paraphernalia.

The scruffy singer made a pit stop at an antiques fair during a recent trip to Paris where he came across some 1930s pipes which were were used during drug lab experiments.

Despite the pipes being sold at the fair for the historical story behind them, Pete wanted to know if they were still in full working order.

"Pete had a stunning girl on his arm who looked the spit of Kate Moss and he was very friendly, polite and funny."

It's no secret that the Babyshambles star is a fan of illegal substances having made a total of 14 court appearances in recent years for drug crimes and other offences.

Pete attempted to give up drugs in 2008 for his then supermodel girlfriend Kate Moss but the couple later split.

He told Loaded magazine: "Anyone can feel amazing if you're with someone you love. There are moments in your life (when) you're genuinely happy and content. When you split-up with someone, someone that you're seriously in love with, it takes a lot of time before you even realise that you're upset. You know? It just hits you."

The naughty chap has even had advice from fellow rocker Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones about keeping on the straight and narrow.

Speaking to NME, Keith said: "I've had a word with Pete about this but it don't make any difference. If you mix it up you're just gonna fall like a million others. I've seen too many friends gone that way."

Despite Pete's bad reputation he was well behaved at the antiques fair in France as he posed for pictures with the antiques dealer and fans.