Photos Capture Highs And Lows Of Cape Town Pride

Thousands took part in the 2018 Cape Town Pride Mardi Gras – even those who didn't want it to happen at all.
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Cape Town Pride

Thousands of LGBT+ Capetonians, their allies and their detractors, came together on Saturday in defence, defiance, support and celebration of the African queer community, and the pictures from the event are extraordinary.

The annual Cape Town Pride Mardi Gras took to the streets of the city last weekend, where everyone from faith-based organisations promoting the rights of queer people, to politicians, protestors, trans collectives, LGBT+ shelters, drag stars, husbands, wives and families all had their say, and let their hair down.

Cape Town Pride Mardi Gras 2018
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The pride parade was disrupted midway by a collective of queer protestors, who staged a lie-in in response to allegations that the parade didn't raise enough awareness for the plight of black queer people, especially women, whose lives are still not safe in the country.

Footage of protestor Jacqui Dichabe shows the poet screaming for the lives of black people.

"You f**king racists," she shouts, "You want to party while black lesbians are being murdered!"

Watch the emotional clip below.