Prince Harry Appears On Royal Wedding Anniversary Mug (PICTURE)

LOOK: Is that... Prince Harry? On A Royal Wedding Mug?

If you were making a mug in honour of the first anniversary of last year's Royal Wedding, what would you make sure was on it? Chances are, a quote about the special day, the royal crest, a picture of the happy couple, that sort of thing.

What you wouldn't want is a picture of Prince Harry instead of Prince William. That would be a mistake. A big mistake, in fact.

But would you believe it, that's exactly what's happened, with everyone's favourite red-haired royal - sorry Princess Beatrice - cropping up exactly where you weren't expecting him.

And so this image now joins the ever-increasing list of bodged and incredibly tacky royal memorabilia, as this startling picture gallery below - of Diamond Jubilee commemorative items - proves without a shadow of a doubt.