Be Afraid! PSY's 'Gangnam Style' Meets 'Ghostbusters' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Who You Gonna Call? 'Gangnam Busters!'

Thanks, mash-up-meister Faroff. Thanks a bloody million.

After weeks and weeks of having PSY's infuriating 'Gangnam Style' floating round our brains uninvited, we're now being terrorised by this mind-bending mix of the 'Ghostbusters' theme and 'Gangnam Style'. Altogether now: "If there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Gangnam style!" Arrrggh!

Oh well, it could have been worse, we suppose. He could have mashed it up with 'The Birdie Song' instead.

Want more 'Gangnam Style' spoofs? Of course you do! It's the gift that keeps on giving...