Teko Modise Made The Best Decision Of His Career By Joining Cape Town City -- Here's Why

From Soweto, to Mamelodi, now Cape Town ️.
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Cape City FC new signing Teko Modise will wear jersey #13.
Cape Town City/Twitter

Cape Town City announced on Wednesday that Teko Modise signed a deal with the club and will be wearing #13 for the upcoming 2017/18 Premier Soccer League season.

The player known as "General" is embarking on a new journey as he enters his twilight years in football.

CTCFC is delighted to announce the signing of midfielder Teko Modise! #iamCityFC#WelcomeTekopic.twitter.com/aw1p9VBYDH

— Cape Town City FC (@CapeTownCityFC) July 12, 2017

Now aged 34 and having won the domestic and continental trophies, here's three reasons why Teko Modise made a good move.

1. Cape Town City is driven by ambition

Another one. 7am.#iamCityFCpic.twitter.com/AqG4GWTwwc

— Cape Town City FC (@CapeTownCityFC) July 11, 2017

Cape Town City is only a year old in the PSL. It re-formed in 2016 by the takeover of the PSL's Mpumalanga Black Aces franchise and purchased their status. Their maiden season in PSL was a successful one for a club new to the league. They came third in the PSL, won the Telkom Knockout and their captain was recently named as 2016/17 player of the season.

CTCFC are driven by ambition, and this was evident in the signing of new manager Benni McCarthy. The signing of local legend Teko Modise highlights how CTCFC are breaking the boundaries and closing the gap on the big three, and champions Bidvest Wits.

The signing of Modise is a statement of intent, that they are gunning for league glory in the next season. There could not have been a better way to equip your squad than the signing of an experienced player who has won everything at club level.

2. Star-studded squad

Batman and Robin will be returning to Cape Town to continue preseason. Ngoma continues to make progress on his knee injury.#iamCityFCpic.twitter.com/4iuzICRx8h

— Cape Town City FC (@CapeTownCityFC) July 11, 2017

Lyle Lakay, Ayanda Patosi, Robyn Johannes, Roland Putsche and Lehlohonolo Majoro are some are star players Cape Town City can boast about, and with the transfer window closing next season, who is to say CTCFC wont make more signings.

3. The best place to retire

Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town, South Africa (2009) pic.twitter.com/JifHiVJlc9

— Tommy🇺🇸 (@VivaLaCristiano) June 23, 2017

Dear PSL: Why does Cape Town Stadium get no love? - by @tash23vardhttps://t.co/cJDficngnapic.twitter.com/lGb9Y6CYEf

— Sport24News (@Sport24news) June 23, 2017

Cape Town is a beautiful place for players to hang their boots. Cape Town is like the Monaco of South Africa, showing a more glitzy and glamorous side of South African culture. With Modise known as a showman himself, he should certainly enjoy his new home at Cape Town City.