Thomas Beatie World's First 'Pregnant Man' Wants Hysterectomy

'Pregnant Man' Thomas Beatie Considers Hysterectomy After Third Child

Thomas Beatie, the transgender father dubbed 'the pregnant man' is considering having a hysterectomy after the birth of his third child.

Mind-boggling pictures of Beatie, bearded and breastless boasting a bulging belly, emerged during his pregnancy.

The transgender 37-year-old retained his female reproductive organs despite being legally declared a man in 2002.

He will explain why he is considering a hysterectomy in The Doctors, an American series similar to Embarrasing Bodies.

Beatie will describe the strain he has suffered while trying to conceive. Medical complications of being a transgender father will also be revealed.

Earlier this year pictures of Beatie sporting a muscular physique appeared..

Beatie will also speak about the impact of publicity surrounding the birth of his first child, Susan and how negative coverage led to the boycott and subsequent collapse of his T-shirt business ‘Define Normal’.

Living off benefits and struggling to pay the mortgage, in March 2011 Beatie said he was was "desperate" and filed for bankruptcy.

The programme will be screened later this month.