Australians Drop Their Pants In Beach Toilet Protest (VIDEO)

WATCH: Australians Drop Their Pants In Protest

Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside... You know? The sand! The ocean! The seagulls! The seashells! The row of smartly dressed people taking a dump before the tide comes in!

Allow us to explain... Tired of bemoaning the distinct lack of public toilets at Henley Beach in Adelaide, local artist Andrew Baines decided to organise a rather unusual protest.

As Australia's ABC News reports in the video above, he rounded up 12 like-minded individuals from the community and got them to dress up in bowler hats and suits and carry their own ceramic toilets to the beach. As you do.

The dirty dozen then dropped their trousers and sat in a row on their respective loos while Andrew took photographs of them.

His plan is to paint the scene for an exhibition that's set to take place in January 2013. (So there's a date for your diaries, folks!)

This drastic action comes after local business-owners complained that beach-users were constantly bowling up and asking to use their toilets.

But have the protestors' efforts helped this worthy cause? Possibly. Apparently, the council is now in consultation with locals about the best place to build some brand spanking new public lavatories. What a relief!