An Open Letter to Our Advertising Week Europe Partners

The bottom line? You have all been absolutely wonderful to work with on so many levels. The commitment is deep. You are all exceptionally talented professionals. You have given, and give, so much. It has made a substantially positive difference in my little (OK, not so little) social world.

Dear Advertising Week Europe Partners,

I've had the chance to get to know you in the process of getting ready for the first-ever Advertising Week Europe.

Some of us met in person back in January as it was snowing. But that chill of the weather was instantly replaced by your warmth and kindness.

You endured my odd American accent, Portland, Oregon eccentricities and photos of my kids.

A few of you had to sit through my theories on why I do believe Arsenal will be back at the top of the table within three years.

You even listened patiently as I droned on about how I went to uni here back in 1990.

But, in my heart, I am proud of my experiences here and is why, without question, London is a second home that I love dearly.

What has truly galvanised it, though, is all of you.

And it isn't just about your kindness. It is about your investment in time, energy and ideas that have made the social aspect of Advertising Week Europe something I deeply value. You have, and continue to, contribute in ways that are helping stitch a highly interesting narrative, not just about the week coming up, but the whole of this industry -- an industry that has been so good to me for such a long time.

You are all also laying down the foundation for much more in the near and long terms. You're sharing a perspective, wisdom and passion that will endure for many months and years to come.

As I have mentioned to some, we are writing a very long book with my work in the Advertising Week Social Club, our social ecosystem.

And we're only on chapter three.

The bottom line? You have all been absolutely wonderful to work with on so many levels. The commitment is deep. You are all exceptionally talented professionals. You have given, and give, so much. It has made a substantially positive difference in my little (OK, not so little) social world.

What I am seeing and learning is that this is, in fact, a true partnership in every sense of the word.

And I will always do anything and everything in my power to honour that.

We're going to have a hell of great week together starting Monday.

And it all started with you.

Warm Regards,

Doug Zanger

Social + Marketing

Advertising Week Europe